KCEB Calendar
The Election Board verifies signatures for state and local government entities and local school boards. For more information on how to start a petition, please contact your state, local governing agency or school board.
What are the rules for the petitioning process?
Citizens of the State of Missouri may petition:
- To amend the Constitution of Missouri
In order to amend the state constitution, 8% of the registered voters in 2/3rds of the Congressional Districts of Missouri must sign the petitions. They are to be filed with the Secretary of State.
- To enact a new State Law
In order to enact a state law by initiative, 5% of the registered voters in 2/3rds of the Congressional Districts of Missouri must sign the petitions. They are to be filed with the Secretary of State.
- To vote on an existing law
In order to vote on an existing law ("Referendum"), 5% of the registered voters in 2/3rds of the Congressional Districts of Missouri must sign the petitions. They are to be filed with the Secretary of State.
For additional information regarding statewide petition opportunities, consult the Secretary of State's website.
Citizens of Jackson County may petition:
- To amend the County Charter (See XV of the County Charter)
- To recall County Officials (See Article XIV of the County Charter)
- To vote on a County Ordinance by the Initiative or Referendum (See Article XIV, County Charter)
For more information, please consult the Clerk of the County Legislature at (816) 881-3242 or visit their website at www.jacksongov.org/clerk.
Citizens of the City of Kansas City may petition:
- To become a candidate for Mayor or City Council
- To amend the Charter of Kansas City
- To vote on a City Ordinance by the initiative or referendum
For more information please consult the KCMO Office of the City Clerk at (816) 513-3360 or visit their website at http://cityclerk.kcmo.org/liveweb/common/.
For information regarding School District Petitions, contact the Kansas City, Missouri School District website at http://www.kcpublicschools.org.
Finally, residents of the School District of Kansas City, Missouri can become candidates for the Board of Directors of the district by the petition process. For more information, please see Chapter 162 R.S. Mo or consult the Secretary of the Kansas City School Board.
Note: signing a petition does not 'obligate' the signer to vote for any particular candidate or on any particular issue. It merely is the signer's way of placing someone or something on the ballot for a public vote.
If I sign a petition, do I still need to vote?
As a registered voter, your signature on a petition does not represent how you will vote or obligate you to a particular vote. It merely represents that you support the placement of an issue or a candidate on the ballot. You must still cast your vote on Election Day.